Welcome to OUSD Physical Education

Department Calendar 

PD Scope & Sequence 

Physical Ed 2024-25 K- 12 PD Scope & sequence

Statement of Philosophy (Overview) 

Physical Education is an integral component of a comprehensive education program. The benefits of the program offer development of knowledge, understanding, and positive attitudes concerning human movement as well as physical fitness. Through movement, children are able to formulate impressions about self and environment while utilizing nonverbal communication and expression.

Children do not automatically develop the skills, knowledge, attitudes and behaviors that lead to regular and enjoyable lifelong  participation in physical activity. They must be taught. A "physically educated" person understands the value in remaining physically active throughout life, and has experienced the enjoyment and satisfaction that can be derived from physical accomplishment, at any level of skill or proficiency.

To become physically educated for today's society, each individual must be exposed to meaningful, relevant, personalized experiences that will help him/her cope with the complexities that account for present-day and future lifestyles.

Mission Statement

The mission of the Oakland Unified Schools Physical Education Department is to provide high-quality physical education that allows all students to become confident, independent, self controlled and resilient; develop positive social skills; set and strive for personal, achievable goals; learn to assume leadership; cooperate with others; accept responsibility; and, ultimately, improve their academic performance.” 

Vision Statement

Physical education contributes significantly to every student’s health and well-being—regardless of disability, ethnicity, gender, native language, race, religion, or sexual orientation- and is a fundamental right of every child. An integral part of the curriculum concentrates on the development of the individual’s maximum physical potential and their related social wellness, emotional, and intellectual growth. A developmentally appropriate physical education program empowers students to make wise choices, meet challenges, and exhibit positive behaviors  that lead to lifelong fitness