1st Grade
1st grade lesson plans, slideshows, and other resources for the EL Education curriculum
Math resources, lesson plans and curricular support for 1st grade
1st Grade Resources
Additional Curriculum Resources
EL Education is the provider of the OUSD ELA curriculum for grades K-5.* The curriculum is standards-based, and relies heavily on fiction and nonfiction trade books. OUSD teachers can find EL Education materials and lesson plans at EL Ed Central.
* OUSD Dual Language schools use the Benchmark Education curriculum for language instruction.
Module 1
Tools and Work
Why do we need tools? How do habits of character help us do work? How do we create a magnificent thing?
A Chef's Tools by Holden Strauss
The Little Red Pen by Janet Stevens and Susan Crummel
The Most Magnificent Thing by Ashley Spires
Tools by Ann Morris
I Use Science Tools by Kellie L. Hicks
My Math Toolbox by Nancy Kelly Allen
Module 2
The Sun, Moon, and Stars
Why do authors write about the sun, moon, and stars? What patterns can we observe in the sky? How do authors use their knowledge and observations to write a story?
What the Sun Sees, What the Moon Sees, by Nancy Tafuri
Does the Sun Sleep?: Noticing Sun, Moon, and Star Patterns, by Martha E.H. Rustad
What Makes Day and Night, by Franlyn M. Branley
Kitten’s First Full Moon, by Kevin Henkes
Papa, Please Get the Moon for Me
Sun and Moon, by Lindsey Yankey
Why the Sun and the Moon Live in the Sky, by Elphinstone Dayrell
Summer Sun Risin’ by W. Nikola-Lisa
Module 3
Birds' Amazing Bodies
What makes a bird a bird? How do birds use their body parts to survive? How do we build our research skills and share our learning?
Feathers: Not Just for Flying by Melissa Stewart
Flight School by Lita Judge
Little Kids First Big Book of Birds by Catherine Hughes
Birds by Kevin Henkes
Just Ducks by Nicola Davis
Beaks! by Sneed Collard
Birds (Scholastic Discover More) by Penelope Arlon
Module 4
Caring for Birds
Why should we care about birds?How do characters in stories help care for birds?Why do people have different opinions about birds? How can people care for birds so they can live and grow?
Olivia's Birds: Saving the Gulf by Olivia Bouler
City Hawk: The Story of Pale Male by Meghan McCarthy
Maggie the One-Eyed Peregrine Falcon: A True Story of Rescue and Rehabilitation by Christie Gove-Berg
Pierre the Penguin: A True Story by Jean Marzollo
The Lion and the Bird by Marianne Dubuc
Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers
A Place for Birds by Melissa Stewart
Eureka Math2 (Eureka Math "Squared") is the adopted OUSD curriculum for elementary schools. The curriculum is aligned to California Common Core standards, which describe what students should know and be able to do in each subject in each grade.
Module 1
Counting, Comparison and Addition
Module 2
Addition and Subtraction Relationships
Module 3
Properties of Operations to Make Easier Problems
Module 4
Comparison and Composition of Length Measurements
Module 5
Place Value Concepts to Compare, Add, and Subtract
Module 6
Attributes of Shapes | Advancing Place Value, Addition, and Subtraction
For elementary science instruction, OUSD uses FOSS (Full Option Science System), a research-based science curriculum developed at the Lawrence Hall of Science, University of California, Berkeley. This curriculum emphasizes hands-on activities and is aligned to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The order of the three modules varies from school to school, depending on the rotation of physical science kits at each school site.
Physical Science
Sound and Light
How do sound and light interact with objects?
Sound and Vibrations
Changing Sound
Light and Shadows
Light and Mirrors
Fizz Quiz
Earth Science
Air and Weather
What is all around us?
What do we observe in the sky above us?
Exploring Air
Observing Sky
Wind Explorations
Looking for Change
Life Science
Plants and Animals
How do young plants and animals survive in their habitats?
Grass and grain seeds
Growth and Change
1st Grade Academic Milestones (for families)