5th Grade

5th grade lesson plans, slideshows, and other resources for the EL Education curriculum

Math resources, lesson plans and curricular support for 5th grade

Science resources, including support for FOSS

Social Studies curriculum with slide decks and other resources

Assessments, plans,  and resources for the Benchmark curriculum

EL Education is the provider of the  OUSD ELA curriculum for grades K-5.* The curriculum is standards-based, and relies heavily on fiction and nonfiction trade books. OUSD teachers can find EL Education materials and lesson plans at EL Ed Central.  

* OUSD Dual Language schools use the Benchmark Education curriculum for language instruction.

Module 1

Stories of Human Rights

What are human rights, and how can they be threatened? How can we use writing to raise awareness of human rights?

Module 2

Biodiversity in the Rain Forest

Why do scientists study the rainforest? How do authors engage readers in narratives?

Module 3

Athlete Leaders of Social Change

How have athletes broken barriers during the historical era in which they lived? What factors can contribute to an individual's success in changing society?

Module 4 

The Impact of Natural Disasters

How do natural disasters affect the people and places that experience them? How can we prepare for a natural disaster?

Eureka Math2 (Eureka Math "Squared")   is the adopted OUSD curriculum for elementary schools.  The curriculum is aligned to California Common Core standards, which describe what students should know and be able to do in each subject in each grade. More detailed info about modules, assessments, and pacing can be found at the OUSD Math 5th grade webpage.


Module 1

Place Value Concepts for Multiplication and Division with Whole Numbers

Module 2

Addition and Subtraction with Fractions


Module 3

Multiplication and Division

with Fractions

Module 4

Place Value Concepts for Decimal Operations


Module 5

Addition and Multiplication with Area and Volume

Module 6

Foundations to Geometry in the Coordinate Plane

For elementary science instruction, OUSD uses FOSS (Full Option Science System), a research-based science curriculum developed at the Lawrence Hall of Science, University of California, Berkeley. This curriculum emphasizes hands-on activities and is aligned to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). The order of the three modules varies from school to school, depending on the rotation of physical science kits at each school site.

Physical Science

Mixtures and Solutions

What is matter, and what happens when samples of matter interact?


Earth Science

Earth and Sun

How do Earth’s geosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and biosphere interact to create a sustainable environment for life?


Life Science

Living Systems

How can we describe Earth’s biosphere as a system of interacting parts?


OUSD 5th graders use a custom Social Studies curriculum that focuses on U.S. history. This curriculum is aligned to the History/Social Science Framework for California public schools. It  includes includes individual Newsela articles that are adjusted to each student's reading level. Students and teachers can access Newsela through Clever


Indigenous Lands

Unit 1

Early Indigenous Peoples of North America

Unit 2

Age of Exploration

Unit 3

Cooperation and Conflict in North America


Colonial America

Unit 4

Settling the Colonies

Unit 5

The Road to War

Unit 6

The American Revolution


The U.S. Forms and Expands

Unit 7

Development and Significance of U.S. Constitution

Unit 8

Life in the Young Republic

Unit 9

The New Nation’s Westward Expansion

5th Grade Academic Milestones (for families)

Milestones_5th Grade.pdf